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Chris S: The Model

Here are some of my favorite shots of Christopher. Some are by photographers I have showcased before on the blog, some by photographers whose work I have just discovered and hope to post more of in the future.

Chris S by:

Brent Murray

Brent Murray’s work has has appeared internationally in The New York Times,Vanity Fair, Der Spiegel, Zeit Magazine, Condé Nast Portfolio, O Magazine, Jane and
Curve magazines and Random House books. Brent also recently had his first picture featured in Vogue: a portrait of the designer Logan Neitzel.

I love the quote that Brent has on his MM page by photographer and writer Diane Arbus. It says ‘A Photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you the less you know’. How true this is. We all see photos on the net and within a split second we make dozens of assumptions about the person in the photograph based solely on what we see. Yet...if the photographer is skilled, what you really know is less about the person we are seeing. Instead, it is what the photographer whispers quietly for us to see and feel. Brent’s work with Christopher whispered to me.... character. Character for two reasons; firstly character as in role to match Christopher the actor. Secondly character as in who Christopher is. In my brief interactions getting to know Christopher it is clear he has a strength of character that touches all those around him. Check out Brent's site HERE:

Nelson N. Castillo

New York Photographer Nelson N. Castillo has been described as someone whose passion and positivity are skillfully channeled into creating a vision of what he wants out of a shoot. He is known to make the desires and needs of those he works with his number one priority. Given his desire is to get the best out of the model he is working with get the look they wants has led to him to be a favorite for many models to work with to complete their portfolios. Love these casual outside shots of Christopher taken by Nelson. You can check out Nelson's website HERE:

Michael Cali:

Michael Cali is an up and coming photographer currently attending The Hallmark Institute of Photography. One of Michael’s loves is shooting lifestyle shots on location. This theme is present in his work with Christopher. I love these two shots, and the ‘big’ feel they have to them. I love his use of juxtaposition showcasing one man alone in a big city. Heroic, and epic. Michael does not have a site yet, but you can check out more of his work at his Model Mayhem page HERE:

Tony Jones:

No matter how many pictures I have seen taken by Tony Jones, no matter how much or how little the model is wearing, his skill as a photographer takes you instantly to their eyes. Tony does not just shoot bodies, he shoots emotions. Erotic and sexy yes, but also shots full of lust, longing, love, isolation and often pain. It makes sense images of sexuality would be surround by these emotions, they certainly accompany it in life. Yet...many photographers choose to remove certain painful emotions from erotic images. This quote certainly speaks to one of Tony’s philosophies about his work.

Tony says
‘Photography is about telling stories. Capturing a moment that asks the question: what happened before and what happens next.’

Tony also likes to have fun when he is working. I certainly had fun spending time checking out his website with extensive galleries showcasing his work. I hope to showcase more of Tony’s work in the future. Check out his website HERE:

Richard Gerst

Some of the strongest images of Christopher come from Photographer Richard Gerst. I first discovered Richard’s work last year when I was profiling model Matthew Lewis. Richard’s shots of Matthew brought out a side I had not seen before. This is what I think distinguishes Richard’s work from others.

Richard does the same thing in his work with Christopher. There is a side to Christopher, a commanding strength, that comes through in these shots. It is not just the physical strength on display, it is more emotional, more to one’s core. It is seen clearly in his eyes. Richard says that he captures images he himself want to see. I would also add his lens captures something inside his subjects that they are longing to express. Richard recently did this as well with Nick Aylers whom I profiled on Sunday. The shot below is an exlusive shot that may be a part of future book by Richard. You can see more of Richards work at his site HERE: